You’ve come to the right place. Check our rebuilder inventory for the best deals for your next project. If you’ve got a vehicle that has just “seen it’s time,” give us a call and we’ll pick it up.

At Thorold Automotive Solutions, we focus on customer service and customer satisfaction. While we perform the crucial job service of disassembling and recycling late model, low mileage scrap vehicles, we also strive to be environmentally responsible in all of our processes.

At Thorold Automotive Solutions, we focus on the satisfaction of our customers and our environment.
We understand the importance of recycling auto parts. It is essential that you remove the poisonous chemicals from the airbags, drain all hazardous fluids like battery fluid, anti-freeze and brake fluid. Manufacturing analysts agree that the automobile is the most recycled manufactured product in the world.
Any questions? Give us a call.

T. 905-227-4118 or 1-800-263-4708
F. 905-227-8116
1108 Beaverdams Road, Thorold, ON, L2V 3Y7
Monday – Friday open 8am-5pm | Closed Weekends
Regarding COVID-19: We are open from 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
Social distancing is in effect as well as a sanitized station, only two people are allowed in the waiting room at one time.
For parts or service, click below to call.